Hi There!

So, I guess you are interested in some background of this blog and its writer or perhaps you landed on this page by coincidence? Anyhow I am glad you are here.

As you may have already discovered, this is a blog about my bicycling adventures; a blog that I have started, encouraged by my daughter, so she could ‘follow’ the journey that I was about to undertake in South Africa.
Well, if you like enjoy reading about adventures in different countries from a bicycle travelers perspective, you might as well read on and expose yourself to the risk of becoming a bicycle traveler enthusiast yourself (if not already).

The short stories of my bicycle journeys, that you find on this blog go back to 1987, when I took on the idea of exploring parts of the world on my bicycle.

As straightforward as you may expect, clicking on the bicycle travel section in the navigation bar will bring up the names of the travels that I have written about. Each of which will lead you to a series of bicycle travel stories ready to enjoy. Similarly, the 'About' section contains some more background about me. So if you are sure you want to know more about me, this section is where to go to.

Should reading about my experiences give you inspiration for your own travels or would you want to start traveling, I wish you as much satisfaction as I got from my journey’s.